This is a testnet. Transactions here will not be migrated to the mainnet. These transactions are for testing purposes only and will be deleted later.

Sealyum Technical Description

What is Sealyum?

Sealyum is a network that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection from anywhere in the world without the need for any download / installation. In this network, all transactions occur instantly. There is no waiting period or confirmation time for transactions. The units transferred in the network are called sealy. To become a sealy owner, you must win a completely fair and random package sealing contest. Each contest takes place every 10 minutes and if you win the contest you will receive 10 sealy rewards.

Sealyum has a very different structure than standard blockchains. It runs on a server and no nodes are needed. Because the network performs all verification and transactions on its own. When using a wallet, you can use a wallet name called "Sealer Name" instead of using a complex hash. In this way, you will have a short and memorable transfer method and people can make easy transfers to you with this address.

Sealyum has a structure that can eliminate the difficulties, independence and integration problems of blockchains. Thanks to the updatable infrastructure, its technology and functions are constantly updated and renewed.

All transactions and wallets are publicly published on the network. You can track and see all movements of a wallet. This prevents arbitrary sealing into the network.

We use the referee system as a security measure in sealyum. Arbitrators are important to prevent fraud in transfers made on the network. If you are subject to fraud, arbitrators will prevent it and help you recover your transfer amount. You can initiate a transfer to occur at a later date. Thus, the transfer amount is deducted from your account and transferred to the network's transfer blocking system. If the transfer initiator has no objection until the end of the period, the transfer is carried out by the network on the specified date. If the sender requests the cancellation of the transfer before the end of the period, a referee vote is initiated and by evaluating the objections of the sender and the receiver, 5 arbitrators decide which side will be transferred and with what percentage.

Package Technical Description

Packets are located in the network's packets table.
This table contains the following columns;

$id = Represents the unique package number.
$packet_status = Represents the status of the package record. There are 3 package states.
0: The package is open and the sealer is competing. You can send a seal. (First 5 minutes)
1: The package is open and the sealer contest is stopped. You cannot send a seal. (Last 5 minutes)
2: The package is closed, the sealer contest has concluded and the prize has been sent to the sealer.
$creation_timestamp = Contains the date and time the packet was created on the network.
$packet_key = It represents the key required and found to close the package.

A sealer searches for this key as the seal needed to seal a package. The key can consist of the characters “abcdef0123456789” and can be a maximum of 24 characters long. When the sealer notifies the network that he has found a key, this key is combined with the id number and hash value of the previous packet ($prev_packet_id.$prev_packet_id.$your_key) This combined value is first encrypted twice with sha-512 and then encrypted once with sha-256.

This encrypted value must be lower than the current package difficulty. When the sealer reports the key and hash value he found to the network, the network performs some checks. If the seal passes the check successfully, you will be eligible to participate in the raffle list.

$hash = It represents the hash value found and required to close the package.
$selaer = It contains the wallet address of the sealer who sealed the package. Packages closed by the network have a “NETWORKPACKETCREATOR” record.
$transactions = This value includes the transactions from which the package receives commission.
$reward = This value includes the total reward and commission sent when the package is closed. Commissions received from $transactions are collected and sent as reward + commission.
$difficulty = This value includes 7 different difficulty levels, randomly determined at the time the package was created. Since the value is determined completely randomly, the previous package and the next package may have the same difficulty, or a difficulty may have the same value for more than one package in a row. Difficulty levels are currently determined as follows;

$dif_print = str_repeat("0", $packet_difficulty) . "fx";

$packet_difficulty = 1 > Difficulty Hash : 0fx;
$packet_difficulty = 2 > Difficulty Hash : 00fx;
$packet_difficulty = 3 > Difficulty Hash : 000fx;
$packet_difficulty = 4 > Difficulty Hash : 0000fx;
$packet_difficulty = 5 > Difficulty Hash : 00000fx;
$packet_difficulty = 6 > Difficulty Hash : 000000fx;
$packet_difficulty = 7 > Difficulty Hash : 0000000fx;

Difficulty levels are small and accessible to everyone. These difficulty levels are an equal amount of luck for everyone. It can be easily found by any device. It can be called without the need for GPU and ASIC machines.

$tx = This value represents the total number of transactions for which the package receives commission.

Sometimes the challenge can be high for sealers. In this case, the network automatically shuts down the package itself after 10 minutes. Because the package needs to be closed and new packaging needs to be started. When closing the packet, the network sets $packet_key to 0 and sets the hash value to a random hash value that will be one lower than the current difficulty. This is necessary to prevent people from gaining an advantage in the next package contest, and random values cannot be predicted. It is not necessary for the hash value to be valid in the packets that the network closes, because the network cannot waste time on this and cannot consume energy for this. It just continues the process of creating the next packet by generating a random hash value.

Package Sealing Competition

The sealing structure is even and fair. Everyone has the right to find a seal and participate in the competition. All you have to do is find it before anyone else. Usually, the competition list in low difficulty packages fills up in a few seconds. You always have a chance for the next package.

When you find a seal lower than the difficulty level required to close the package and send it to the network, if your seal is valid, the network stores your wallet address, key, hash value and sending time in a table. The name of this table is “current_packet” table and it contains the following values.

$id = It represents the sequence number of the seal.
$sealer = The seal contains the sender's wallet number.
$hash = Contains the seal itself.
$timestamp = Contains the time the seal was sent and added to the network.
$sealer_key = Contains the key value required to create the seal.

The sealing contest is completely fair. With a simple random command, the network selects a seal in this table and closes the packet. This random command is as follows.

“SELECT * FROM current_packet ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1”

The current_packet table accepts a maximum of 101 seals. Even if there is still time for the sealing competition to end, seals will not be accepted after 101 seals. When a competition ends and a new one is created, this table is reset and the 101 seal limit is reopened.

Historical seal details are not available in the current_packet table. Past participants are not currently registered. However, it is planned to add this in the future.

Wallet Technical Description

Wallets are the use of the hash value obtained after passing a written data through a series of encryption algorithms as a storage unit.

You can follow these steps to create a wallet.
Use a written data. Pass this data through the following stages;

$value -> sha512 -> whirlpool -> ripemd320 -> sha512 -> ripemd320 -> whirlpool

Then encrypt the last value created here again with sha512 and take the 0.14th – 58.72nd – 114.128th characters of the last password and turn them into a single data. Here is your wallet address. Wallet addresses consist of 42 characters.

With this quantum-based algorithm, it is impossible to guess the public key from the wallet address.

It is important that you use an unpredictable private key when creating a wallet. The security of your wallet is entirely your responsibility. If someone gains access to your private key, they can move the balance held by the wallet.

We recommend that you use at least 80 digits of data to create your wallet, including letters, numbers and special signs. The wallet creation page on the network gives you such data by randomly generating it. So it is recommended to use here or use a powerful wallet generator.

Wallets can technically be locked by the wallet owner for a certain period of time. During this lock period, you cannot log in to the wallet and cannot move your wallet balance. However, others can send new transactions to your wallet. After the lock period has expired, simply log in to your wallet to unlock it. The network unlocks and allows you to access the wallet.

Wallets that have no activity on the network have technically never been created on the network. However, wallets with a transfer transaction are counted as existing in the network.

For your security, you should not enter your private key into places you do not trust or know. Anyone who knows your private key will be able to access your wallet. Therefore, do not share your private key with anyone and do not use it in places you do not trust or know.

Sealer Name Technical Description:
Sealer Name was created as a solution to complex wallet addresses. You can choose a name for a wallet and have transfers made to those names. For example, if you write “developer.sealy” in the “Receiver Address” section in the transfer field, you can make a transfer to the wallet of the developer of the Sealyum network. In this way, you can use your own wallet name. If you try to use a wallet name that contains prohibited words, your wallet name will be deleted by the network and you will no longer be able to use a wallet name.

To determine the Sealer Name, you can log in to your wallet on the network and select the “Sealer Name” module from the modules section.

Transactions Technical Description:

Transactions are carried out instantly on the network, without waiting for any confirmation. At the timestamp when you initiate a transfer, the transfer is completed and transmitted.

Transactions are kept in the database and processed there.

$timestamp = Refers to the timestamp when the transaction was performed.
$sender = Contains the wallet address of the sender.
$receiver = Contains the recipient's wallet address.
$amount = Contains the sealy amount sent.
$packet = Indicates which package the transaction commission is transferred to.
$fee = Represents the transaction commission.
$reference = Refers to the identification value of the operation. It can be left blank, it was created for API systems and people who need transaction verification.
$s_dt = Indicates in 0/1 whether the sender used a sealer name or not.
$r_dt = Indicates in 0/1 whether the recipient uses a sealer name or not.

Since identity information or any other information is not kept on the network, it is not possible to retrieve or control it. Recipient and other information must be entered carefully when sending a transaction.

Token Technical Description

This content is being prepared. When the token system is published on the network, its technical description will be available here.