This is a testnet. Transactions here will not be migrated to the mainnet. These transactions are for testing purposes only and will be deleted later.


29.00000000 Sealy

Transactions History

ID Route Time Sender > Receiver < Type Amount Fee
3548 2024-04-23 15:21:51 057319595b542d687b649f77c48f018ea6ddf08b2c NETWORKAIRDROPVAULT Specify Name 0.99900100 0.00099900
3547 2024-04-23 15:20:34 FAUCETWALLET 057319595b542d687b649f77c48f018ea6ddf08b2c Faucet Testnet 10.00000000 0.00000000
3544 2024-04-23 15:19:12 0c988888e9a5103224dfab530ac178c1ba4c7774 057319595b542d687b649f77c48f018ea6ddf08b2c Recovery Old Wallet 20.00000000 0.00000000