This is a testnet. Transactions here will not be migrated to the mainnet. These transactions are for testing purposes only and will be deleted later.


18.99999695 Sealy

Transactions History

ID Route Time Sender > Receiver < Type Amount Fee
4252 2024-04-27 16:49:50 58aad2679d19a167480ac3dda07b9dfe9f93005842 NETWORKAIRDROPVAULT Specify Name 0.99900100 0.00099900
2087 2024-04-19 17:34:16 7cc02cdd9d36bd76953e30673b0e099994b5ac1b 58aad2679d19a167480ac3dda07b9dfe9f93005842 19.99999695 0.00000000