This is a testnet. Transactions here will not be migrated to the mainnet. These transactions are for testing purposes only and will be deleted later.


7.99900000 Sealy

Transactions History

ID Route Time Sender > Receiver < Type Amount Fee
3033 2024-04-21 15:27:20 test.sealy developer.sealy Transfer 1.00000000 0.00100000
3032 2024-04-21 22:27:04 7b0a660773832b4d0e75768ef008911d1c9f843c6d NETWORKAIRDROPVAULT Specify Name 0.99900100 0.00099900
3031 2024-04-21 22:26:30 FAUCETWALLET 7b0a660773832b4d0e75768ef008911d1c9f843c6d 10.00000000 0.00000000