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Sealyum for everyone

Updatable network experience

Instead of a blockchain that is created once and never updated again, join the ever-improvable network of sealyum for the world.

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Sealyum was produced as a solution for the world.

Why Sealyum?

Sealyum is very different from the standard blockchain approach.

Quantum Resistant

Sealyum uses more and stronger encryption algorithms against quantum machines.

Fair Chance

A draw randomly selected by the network and based entirely on chance.

CPU Sealing

Even a simple CPU or smartphone has a chance of finding a seal. no need for GPU

Instant Transactions

A transaction is immediate and does not wait for it to be added to any package.

Fraud Protection

Send the transactions to be executed at a later date. In case of disagreement, let random arbitrators decide.

API Solutions

Send a transaction with a simple link. It can be applied by anyone.

Technical details

. %

Transaction processing speed

10 minute

Package Duration

10 Sealy

Package sealing reward

Frequently Asked questions

Since Sealyum is a new network, there are many curious things. But no one can tell you exactly what it is. Because sealyum is a network that everyone needs and continues to be developed every day.

The network creates a new packet every 10 minutes. The first 100 people to pass the current package challenge are gathered in a pool to seal the package. The network randomly selects 1 person to seal the package and presses the seal and continues the cycle. Packaging is required for adding new sealy to the network.

We are currently working on releasing the testnet. Development continues in line with community ideas. The test network is expected to be activated on 04/22/2024.

There is no need for a special machine for sealing. You can participate in the sealing raffle simply via your browser.

A wallet is a public address created from a series of cryptographic operations. You will be able to easily create and use it through your browser.